What format do my files need to be in?

Your files must be in PDF format for physical books. We do not accept upload of word or any other document format. For E-books, you can upload PDF or EPUB. These are among the porpular e-book formats in the market.  Kindle accepts mainly EPUB.

Do you quality check my book before it goes live?

We do not check for transparency issues, font embedding in pdf files, bleed artwork, and we do not quality check your book before it goes live. It is your responsibility to check your writing for errors and that your content adheres to our rules and regulations. Make sure that the text fonts are embedded into the pdf file before you upload your book. This will ensure that your book has the same fonts as in your document.

I don't understand font embedding, what does it mean and why is it so important?

All fonts must be embedded in a PDF file for us to print from the file. Embedding a font is the act of properly including fonts in a document so the typefaces can be rendered properly when the book is getting produced.

Using embedded fonts guarantees that the reader of the PDF will see and reproduce the original font, regardless of whether or not the font is installed on their system. In instances where your fonts have not been embedded, the printing system may try and substitute your fonts with close or available fonts. This may affect the quality of the production of your book.

How to embedd fonts:
Please watch this video or any other videos on how to embed fonts in a pdf file.
Saving word document to text embedded pdf : https://youtu.be/c-dwjHCCNZI
Can you help me with graphics?

We can help you with some graphics and preparing your book, please visit our page “Other services” 

How do i avoid Customers returning my book

As a self-published author, we often forget that the readers demand the same quality writing as they would expect from any other writer. In publishing companies, books are often rejected because they were poorly written. So do not take the quality of your work for granted. Make sure your book is as good as it can be. You could find somebody that can read through your book and give you an honest opinion. 

This is Our advice to you:

Again, make sure your book is the best it can be.

– Get somebody else to read it or use Beta readers. Do not use a friend or family member to quality check your book. They love you and would not want to hurt your feelings. As such they will not give you the critique you need to make your book great.

– Always remember you are not writing for a friend or your family who will always applaud and praise you. You are writing for strangers who will use their money to buy your book and their valuable time to read it.

– Think of what you want to tell the stranger about you and your book. Will they understand what you’re trying to convey, or will they be thrown into confusion?

– A great way to make sure you have done your job well is always to hire a BETA reader. Beta readers are people that read books and give constructive criticisms to help writers polish their books. Unfortunately, there’re not much of these in Norway, but you can find English readers on website like fiverr.com. If your book is in Norwegian, or other language not available on fivere.com, try to find one or two people you could pay a small amount to read your book. Make sure they are not your cheerleaders, singing your praise but rather people who can give you an honest opinion. BETA readers can be very handy, they can point out issues in your book that are not obvious to you.

– Finally, do not love your book and writing so much that you become afraid to delete unnecessary parts of your story that should not be there. ALWAYS REMEMBER, you are not writing for yourself, and people will pay their hard-earned money to buy your book. What do you want them to say about you and your book? How do you want them to feel after reading your book? I hope you want them to be excited and want to read your future books.

– When you are satisfied with the outcome of your work, then I will suggest something more:

  • Post a couple of free pages of your book when you upload your finished work.
  • In this way, buyers can read it to know if your book is the right choice for them.

Keep these in mind before you write


Laura’s analysis shows that the big changes in picture book construction involve the way six key elements are employed by today’s top authors.
In this webinar you’ll learn how to incorporate these essential elements into your own work by:

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