Terms of use for FUUGO account


These terms of use (“Terms of Use”) govern your use (“You” or the “User”) of the FUUGO login system.
To gain full access to FUUGO’s services, you must create a FUUGO account. The FUUGO account gives you a simple and secure login to several services, and helps you manage your data in one place. The FUUGO account also allows you to pay for the services. Please note that special terms apply to most services. These service-specific terms govern the legal and commercial terms for your use of the relevant service. Should there be a difference between these terms of use and the special terms for a service, the special terms for the service will apply. We encourage you to read these terms of use carefully. The Terms of Use may be updated from time to time without notice. However, we will notify you and ask for your consent when we make significant changes to the Terms of Use.

Our contribution to the environment / Delivery time.

FUUGO.NO is a print on demand online bookstore. This means that our books are printed when the customer orders them, therefore we do not have any of our books in stock. Most bookstores have thousands of books in their warehouses. But many of these does not get sold at the end of the year. FUUGO.NO’s goal is to avoid this, and avoid unnecessary use of paper, printing ink and other materials. This is important for us as it helps our environment. It means that we only print the books the customers has ordered. As a result of this, our delivery time can be a little longer than most booksellers with thousands of books in stock. In summary, FUUGO prints each book as you, our customer, order them.

Our delivery time: 10-14 days.

Thank you for helping us in the fight to save our environment.

Account registration

You must create an account to access those services that require a login. All information you provide when registering must be correct and you are personally responsible for keeping it up to date. You can change the registered information on the profile pages of your FUUGO account at any time. Only natural persons who have reached the age of 15 can create an account with FUUGO. Other rules and restrictions, such as a higher age limit, may apply to certain services. When you create your FUUGO account, you must provide your email address or phone number. For some services, you are also encouraged to provide other information such as name, username, age, gender and address (“your personal information”). Later, information that you personally provide while using a service may be automatically added to this information. When you use a service while logged into your FUUGO account, the service provider gets access to the information you provided when you registered your FUUGO account. You will find more information about how we process your personal data and other personal data under Privacy below.

Login with FUUGO account

Med FUUGO-kontoen vil du bli husket og tilbudt raskere, passordløs pålogging på andre tjenester som bruker FUUGO-konto. Hvis du ikke vil at dette skal skje, kan du krysse av for at du ikke vil bli husket (“husk meg”) med FUUGO-kontoen din når du bytter mellom tjenester. Hvis du har registrert deg som kunde, medlem eller på annet vis har påtatt deg forpliktelser knyttet til en tjeneste før du logger inn på tjenesten med FUUGO-kontoen din for første gang, blir dine tidligere kontoinnstillinger og -innhold en integrert del av FUUGO-kontoen din.

Your login information

Med FUUGO-kontoen vil du bli husket og tilbudt raskere, passordløs pålogging på andre tjenester som bruker FUUGO-konto. Hvis du ikke vil at dette skal skje, kan du krysse av for at du ikke vil bli husket (“husk meg”) med FUUGO-kontoen din når du bytter mellom tjenester. Hvis du har registrert deg som kunde, medlem eller på annet vis har påtatt deg forpliktelser knyttet til en tjeneste før du logger inn på tjenesten med FUUGO-kontoen din for første gang, blir dine tidligere kontoinnstillinger og -innhold en integrert del av FUUGO-kontoen din.

Terminate your FUUGO account

You can terminate your FUUGO account at any time. However, you must be aware that the use of the Services or parts of the Services may require you to have an active FUUGO account. This means that you will no longer be able to access those services or parts of the services if you terminate your FUUGO account. If you have an active subscription with a service that uses a FUUGO account, you must stop this before you can terminate your FUUGO account.

Use of your FUUGO account

Legal use

Du er ansvarlig for å passe på at all bruken av FUUGO-kontoen din og tjenestene gjøres i henhold til disse brukervilkårene, de spesielle vilkårene for de relevante tjenestene, samt ellers gjeldende lover og regler.
Violation of these terms of use
If you have acted in violation of these Terms of Use or the Special Terms of a Service, or if FUUGO has reasonable grounds to believe that such a violation has occurred or will occur, FUUGO may temporarily or permanently close or block access to your FUUGO Account with immediate effect and without prior notice.


Your FUUGO account may from time to time be completely or partially unavailable due to system maintenance or other reasons. We will provide you with information about limited availability as soon as possible. However, under no circumstances can FUUGO be held responsible for consequences or damage arising as a result of your not being able to use your FUUGO account in the intended manner.


In order to offer you a FUUGO account, FUUGO will collect and process your personal data for administrative purposes. FUUGO processes and protects your personal data and other personal data when you use the services.
Personal data that is collected is stored and processed in a safe and secure manner. We have established routines and measures to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the information in accordance with Section 13 of the Personal Data Act.

Intellectual property rights

FUUGO owns the intellectual property rights to text, images, designs and other materials and other information made available to you through your use of your FUUGO account, as well as the underlying program code for your FUUGO account. Such material and information may not be used in any way other than within the scope of normal use of your FUUGO account.

Changes to FUUGO offers

FUUGO may, at any time and without prior notice, terminate the FUUGO account or replace the FUUGO account with another login solution. In such case, FUUGO reserves the right to terminate your FUUGO account, but only after you receive information about such termination. This information is sent to your registered email address.


You hereby agree that the agreement you have entered into with FUUGO by agreeing to these terms of use may, without your consent, be transferred to another company that is wholly or partly, directly or indirectly, owned by, or is the parent or sister company of FUUGO, or to a third party in connection with the sale of all or part of the business which also includes your FUUGO account.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

These user terms and your use of your FUUGO account are subject to Norwegian law. Disputes related to these terms of use shall be settled by ordinary Norwegian courts with the Oslo District Court in the first instance. You can also bring the dispute before the Consumer Council, which can deal with the case between you and FUUGO.

This is how you can contact us

If you have any questions or comments about these Terms of Use, you can contact customer service of the service you are trying to access with your FUUGO account.

Terms for purchase at FUUGO.NO

Order at FUUGO.NO

You can make purchases from FUUGO.NO on our website FUUGO.NO, or via our apps for iPhone, iPad or Android.

Payment and delivery

All prices are given in connection with the individual product and include VAT. The total price for the order is stated before you confirm the purchase and proceed to payment. A delivery surcharge applies when purchasing physical books. When purchasing e-books, your purchase is available shortly after payment has been completed and appears as a book on your bookshelf.

Right of withdrawal and complaint

When you buy an e-book or a downloadable audiobook, you get access to the book immediately. You agree that the delivery begins immediately and that you therefore do not have the right to cancel the purchase, cf. the Right of Cancellation Act section 22 letter n. Here you can read what the Consumer Council writes about the right of cancellation on, among other things, downloadable products:http://www.forbrukerradet.no/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Veileder-til-angrerettloven.pdf
If there is something wrong with the book, we will of course fix this by giving you a new download link or crediting the purchase. In the event of an error, please contact us at customer service as soon as possible so that we can sort things out.
Physical books: If you return the item because you regret the purchase, you must pay the return postage. If you make a complaint because of damage to the item, you can choose whether you want a new item or not.
You can also send the item with a completed return or right of withdrawal form by post within 14 days of receipt to:
PO Box 2051
5823 Bergen
ATTENTION! You are responsible for safe return. Pack the item well, and take care of the receipt for shipping.


E-books and downloadable audio books that you have purchased on FUUGO.NO are yours, but to avoid illegal distribution of the books, the rights holders have added either a digital watermark or technical restrictions which mean that the individual book can only be copied on a specified number of devices or in a specified amount.


FUUGO.NO will send you marketing in the form of newsletters or similar based on the customer relationship between you and FUUGO.NO. If you do not wish to receive such marketing based on the customer relationship, you can notify us of this directly to customer service, or by following the unsubscribe link in the marketing inquiries you receive. You will also have the opportunity to consent to receive marketing from FUUGO.NO which is not necessarily based on the customer relationship. Such consents can also be withdrawn at any time.
FUUGO.NO can see which books you have bought, and based on such information we will contact you with new recommendations, requests to give an assessment of the book, etc.

Reader reviews

You can write reader reviews of all the books at FUUGO.NO. The reader ratings can be read by others, including those who are not logged in to FUGO.NO. FUUGO.NO has the right to delete reader ratings or other user-generated content that FUUGO.NO believes can be perceived as libelous or false. Beyond that, FUUGO.NO does not moderate user-generated content. The goal is for the reader ratings to contribute to guidance for our customers, but in such a way that a good tone is maintained. FUUGO.NO may use reader ratings in its marketing of FUUGO.NO and the individual publications, but in that case will anonymize the individual ratings so that they cannot be linked to any individual.
Employees of FUUGO.NO do not write reader ratings under the user reviews. FUUGO.NO collects user reviews in a neutral way without influencing the content. When three or more star ratings are recorded, an average of these is generated. No reward or compensation is given.


Editorial reviews of books on FUUGO.NO appear during the product presentation, which is clearly separated from the reader reviews.


If you have more questions, you can read more on our website. You are also welcome to contact us by e-mail, where all inquiries will be answered continuously.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our   privacy policy.

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